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试卷总分:100 测试时刻:--
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The organization has authorisedpeacekeeping operations many times ____ 1965.
You ______ cheat on Math test.
don't must to
have to
do not have to
must not
___ and ___ Alexander talked.
slow, quick
few, fewer
more, more
Little _________ the importance ofcalculus.
I did realise
I realise
did I relaise
did realise I
He always jokes ___ smoking is the sourceof longevity.
While I was waiting, I ____ a magazine.
“Ann gets 8______ 25.” “Oh...That's not enough.”
out of
out off
The sun is __ glaring __ I can not fallasleep any more.
too, to
too, when
so, that
so, which
If I have some time, I _____ the book.
will read
won't read
can read
Some companies promise people that theywill ___ them ___ good jobs.
help, finding
helps, make
promotes, find
11.Medical research is constantly trying tofind ways to help people live longer, but is this really what people want? Arecent survey has found that many people do not want to live to an old age.Most people said that although they would like a long life, they do not want tolive if they are unable to live an independent life. They do not want to be tooill to take care of themselves. Many people also said that they would not wantto live longer than their children. Recent reports suggest that due to notdoing enough exercise and eating junk food, children are becoming less healthythan their parents and these reports are the reason why some parents are afraidthat their children will die before them. If the conclusions in this survey aretrue, society must ask itself if medical research is going in the rightdirection. Instead of trying to help old people live longer, perhaps it shouldbe looking at ways of helping old people stay independent and helping youngpeople stay healthier.
The writer askswhether____________________.
there is enough medical research
there is too much medical research
the right things are being researched
much things have to be researched
Most people questioned in the survey___________________.
want to live as long as possible
want to die before they get old
want to live a long time if they remain healthy
want to live peacefully with their children
The survey found that many people_____________.
don’t want to live longer than theirpartners
don’t want to live longer than theirparents
don’ t want to die before their children
don’t’ want to stay with their parents
Children are becoming_____________________.
more healthy than their parents because oftheir diet and lifestyle
less healthy than their parents because oftheir diet and lifestyle
as healthy as their parents because oftheir diet and lifestyle
as more healthy as their parents
The writer suggests that medical researchfocuses on ________________.
helping old people to care for themselvesand making young people healthier
helping old people live longer and makingyoung people healthier
helping old people live longer and makingyoung people more independent
helping old people live less longer
12.With the invention and development oftelevision, entertainment has grown much more visual in character and isdemanding less and less use of the imagination, considered by many to be man'sgreatest faculty. But its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercisejust those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in thepursuit of a worthwhile hobby. This lack is not serious while a man is stillfully employed in his day-to-day work which itself often gives himopportunities to create either with his hands or with his mind. At this time heseeks only some form of relaxation in his leisure. There comes a time, however,when he must retire from his occupation on account of age, and it is then thatthese shallower pastimes, useful enough has a form of relaxation, might ceaseto satisfy the hitherto active man. Today, many elderly people are finding thisto be true, and seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustrationafter retirement, which reveals itself in a short temper and slow degenerationof health, the two most common symptoms.
The writer criticizes visual entertainmentbecause_________.
it does not require man's creative powers.
it demands too much of our imagination
it can not improve our intelligence andskill
it leads man to slow degeneration in health
What is regarded as man’s greatest faculty?
While fully employed, men look for _______.
visual entertainment that requiresimagination in their leisure
opportunities to create either with theirhands or with their minds in their leisure
something that will help them relax intheir leisure
creative hobbies in their leisure
When retired, the elderly people find that_______.
shallower pastimes can no longer satisfythem
it is unnecessary to cultivate creativehobbies in their younger days
doing anything after retirement isunnecessary
relaxation is most suitable for theirretired life
It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
hobbies are more important to the youngthan to the elderly
we should develop worthwhile hobbies whenwe are young
in ancient times entertainment was morevisual in character
hobbies are not important in the health ofmodern men
French film directors were leaders in the30s. 译文:法国的导演在三十时代是影片界的领导者。
He is well established as a writer. 译文:他像是一个作家那样建立了。
World Trade needs rules in order to ensurethat it is fair and legal. 译文:国际贸易需求规矩来制约,以保证其公正和合法性。
The process of genetic modification thatthis discovery allowed is already a part of our lives. 译文:食物处理在这个发现中变成咱们日子中的一有些。
Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, theywill do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable. 译文:他们达观、有用率、热心,老是想方设法使你的旅程顺畅、舒服。
However, there is now a growing awarenessin the West of the lack of fairness in world trade. 译文:可是,大家留意到在国际贸易中西方还存在一种越来越不公正表象。
As for others' secrets, I am not tellingyou anything. 译文:我是不会把他人的事情通知你的。
Many of the foods we buy in the supermarketevery day are genetically modified for one reason or another. 译文:咱们每天在超市买的食物因为种种缘由均作了转基因处理。
Very soon we will be able to use theInternet without a direct phone connection. 译文:咱们立刻就能不通电话线而运用互联网了。
My audiences vary from tens to thousand. 译文:我的听众从十人到千人。
Some people believe that we evolved fromthe apes. 译文:有一些人觉得咱们是从海星演化过来的。
From its beginning in the second century BCto its slow decline in the thirteenth century, the Silk Road was the only linkbetween the isolated worlds of East and West. 译文:从公元前2世纪的鼓起到13世纪的式微,丝绸之路是衔接彼此阻隔的东西方的仅有通道。
The language we know as modern Englishevolved from these three languages and became established in the 16th centurywhen printing was invented. 译文:咱们称之为现代英语的语言包含这三种语言,并在16世纪打印术创造后得以建立。
Other retailers had to slash their pricesin order to compete. 译文:由于竞赛,其他商家不得不大幅降价。
In the short term, I think there is boundto be much more wireless access, which will be a lot more conveniet. 译文:长时间看来,我觉得必定会有更多的无线接入,上彀会愈加便当。
Three days were suggested, namely Monday,Wednesday and Saturday. 译文:有人主张就三天,周一、周二和周三。
The Webby awards, or ‘online Oscars’ , are given by the International Academyof Digital Arts and Sciences (Iadas) to websites in a wide variety of differentcategories, from fishing to fashion, and from science to surfing. 译文:最好网站奖,或许叫‘网上奥斯卡’奖,是由国际数字艺术
After the successful cloning of otheranimals, US scientists finally created the world’s first cloned mule in 2003. 译文:美国科学家在成功地克隆了其他动物之后,总算在2003年发明了国际上榜首匹克隆骡子。
Not only will it enable people some day totravel to other planets, but it will contribute to the search forextra-terrestrial life. 译文:它不只能使人类有朝一日能到其他行星上游览,并且也能为寻觅外星生物。
Some will enthuse about how fascinating itwas to explore a different culture at first hand, while others will point tothe friendships they have made. 译文:一些人会保证亲自体会别的一种文化的妙处,而别的一些人则点拨他们结下的友谊。